The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program


  • The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (previously known as the Ryan White CARE Act) is a Federal program that funds services for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).
  • Ryan White services are to be used only for those who cannot pay for the care they need and funds are to be used as the “payer of last resort”.
  • The legislation spells out who is eligible for services and describes how the money can be used.
  • Most Ryan White funds go to pay for medical and support services for PLWHA and their families.
  • The major goal of this program is to get PLWHA into care early and help them stay there and remain healthy.


The New Haven/Fairfield Ryan White EMA Part A Program

  • Part A funds go to local areas that have been hit hardest by the HIV epidemic.
  • These areas are called eligible metropolitan areas (EMAs) or transitional grant areas (TGAs).
  • NHFF is a EMA,  meaning it is a metropolitan area with between 1,000 and 1,999 new cases of AIDS reported in the past five years and at least 1,500 cumulative living cases of AIDS as of the most recent calendar year.
  • Part A money goes to the chief elected official (CEO) of the major city or county government in the EMA or TGA.
  • The CEO is legally the grantee, but usually chooses a department or other entity to manage the grant.
  • That entity is called the grantee,  and is responsible for ensuring that the grant funds are used correctly.
  •  The grantee works with the Part A planning council in making decisions about how to use the funds.


The Award Process

Each year Congress approves different amounts of funds for Ryan White programs, including Part A which is then divided into formula and supplemental funds.

  • EMA's or TGA's must submit a grant application to HAB/DSS each year to receive formula and supplemental Part A funds.
  • Grants are written by the Grantee and submitted each September.
  • EMA's or TGA's must submit a grant application to HAB/DSS each year to receive formula and supplemental Part A funds.
  • Grants are written by the Grantee and submitted each September.
  • The grant year or fiscal year runs from March 1st to February 28th each year.
  • The annual planning cycle, which the Planning Council operates on, is from September to August each year.

New Haven/Fairfield Counties

Ryan White HIV Planning Council

54 Meadow Street, 9th Floor

New Haven, CT 06519


Join the planning council. Applications available

ATTEND a COMMITTEE Meeting. Find out how, when & where



Who's Who in the Part A

Program and What They Do

  • The Chief Elected Official (CEO)


    • Is in charge of the major city or county in the EMA or TGA, such as a mayor, chair of the county board of supervisors, county executive, or county judge.
    • The  person who officially receives the Ryan White Part A funds.
    • Responsible for making sure that all the rules about using Ryan White Part A funds are followed.
    • Usually picks an agency to manage the Part A grant.
    • Establishes the planning council and appoints its members.
  • The Grantee


    • The word “grantee” means the person or organization that actually carries out Ryan White Part A tasks.
    • The grantee can be a local government agency.
  • The Planning Council


    • The CEO appoints a planning council.
    • The planning council (and its staff) must carry out many complex planning tasks.
    • Planning Councils consist of members from various groups and organizations and at least one third (33 percent) of the planning council members must be PLWHA who receive Part A services and do not have a conflict of interest.
  • HRSA/HAB Div. of Service

    Systems (DSS)


    • The HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau's (HAB) Division of Service Systems (DSS) is  responsible for administering Part A and Part B throughout the country.
    • HRSA is an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
    • Each EMA or TGA is assigned a Project Officer who works in DSS. Project Officers help the grantee and planning council do their jobs and make sure that they are running the local Part A program as the Ryan White legislation says they should.


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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-87) via grant H89HA00007.


The people in the photos on this web site are models and used for illustrative purposes only unless otherwise noted – no representation regarding HIV status is made and should not be inferred.

This site contains HIV or STD that may not be appropriate for all audiences.

Since HIV and other STD's are spread primarily through sexual practices or by sharing needles, prevention messages and programs may address these topics. If you are not seeking such information or may be offended by such materials, please exit this website.

The Ryan White

Part A HIV/AIDS Program


  • The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (previously known as the Ryan White CARE Act) is a Federal program that funds services for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).
  • Ryan White services are to be used only for those who cannot pay for the care they need and funds are to be used as the “payer of last resort”.
  • The legislation spells out who is eligible for services and describes how the money can be used.
  • Most Ryan White funds go to pay for medical and support services for PLWHA and their families.
  • The major goal of this program is to get PLWHA into care early and help them stay there and remain healthy.